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Using Pinterest to grow your business

I'm a big one for taking classes. I'll take almost any class that's offered if I have the time. My thoughts are that if I can grab one useful tip that I can use and share, then it's worth my time.

I took a Pinterest class recently. I was one of the first to embrace this social media site and also taught classes at my local adult learning center on how to get on Pinterest. But i had fallen off a bit and wasn't entirely sure how it could benefit my business.

I was wrong. Here's what I learned. What you share on Facebook or Twitter may last for at most a day or two. Not everyone even gets to see what you post because of the algorithm that determines what you get to see. But what you post on Pinterest lasts forever...if it's memorable.

Since I'm in the positivity business as well as working with solopreneur women, posting a positive quote is perfect for me. The key is to put your contact link at the bottom of the image so they have it when they share it and when they save it.

I use the website for the online program I created on the bottom of each. Some use pictures I took myself, others use pictures from free sources. I google the quote if I don't know the author. It's important to credit them and it's important to only use free images.

Once I post it on Pinterest, then I also post it on Facebook which is linked to Twitter. So that picture or meme as they call these gets a lot of play. Small amount of work for a lot of impact. I'll be sharing these on some future postings to support and inspire you on your journey.

Happy pinning and remember to keep shining!

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